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FEEDBACK from COME & SING - Chilcottt's "A Little Jazz Mass
  • ‘Great balance between learning and singing - fabulous leader who got it just right’
  • ‘Paul has been a pleasure to work with, just the right mix of instruction, humour and patience’.
  • ‘An inspirational MD who pushed us, but in a lovely way.’
  • 'Paul was so entertaining as well as a superb teacher. Thanks for making a long-term dream come true.’
  • ‘Loved the music, and Paul was absolutely great & made it such fun.  Would come to your next Workshop if Paul came back again.’
  • ‘Thoroughly enjoyed Paul - would be fantastic if he could do one next year. Was amazed how much he covered so efficiently & in so little time.’
  • ‘The anecdotes added so much to the day. An experienced MD with a great sense of humour. Wonderful!


Karl Jenkin's ARMED MAN with Jaguar Land Rover Band

© 2017 Paul Leddington Wright

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